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It's time to build yourself a life that feels peaceful on the inside... 

not just on Instagram.


Create your most fulfilling, vibrant + peaceful life with the Anchored Membership today.

Inside, I am sharing hundreds of tools and practices that are going to transform your relationship with your mind, breath and body.

This membership is a one stop shop for your daily mental, emotional and physical upgrade. 

Your inner peace is a click away.



It's time to build yourself a life that feels peaceful on the inside... 

not just on Instagram.


Create your most fulfilling, vibrant + peaceful life with the Anchored Membership today.

Inside, I am sharing hundreds of tools and practices that are going to transform your relationship with your mind, breath and body.

This membership is a one stop shop for your daily mental, emotional and physical upgrade. 

Your inner peace is a click away.



For all the technology and innovation we are, as a population, getting sicker and more disconnected from our bodies.

Our attention is continually being pulled in a 1000 different directions and self-care can easily fall to the bottom of the to-do list. 😵‍💫

I hear you. The overwhelm is real. 🤯

But unless you decide to take action and to start making self-care a priority, your health and happiness will continue to suffer as a result. 

Just a 5 minute daily practice can shift the entire course of your day.

And I've taken the guess work out of it for you.

If you have 5 minutes of spare time - I have the perfect self care practice for you and a community of people ready to motivate you every single day!

Take back your health and happiness today with the Anchored membership.


Do these sound familiar?

  • You're reaching milestones but never reaching happiness 😐
  • You constantly worry and feel anxious 🫠
  • You lose time doom scrolling + comparing yourself to others on social media 😬
  • You struggle to switch off and get to sleep 🫣
  • You're reactive + don't feel in control of your emotions 🤬
  • Your physical ailments are building and your body is screaming out to you 🥴

I hear you. It's so exhausting to live this reality and it's costing you precious energy, time, health and money.

I've been there too + it is my mission to make self care an effortless addition to your life.


I'm Mollie, founder of Adventuring Within.

After going through my own dark night of the soul in 2020 and investing over 600+ hours in certified breathwork, yoga and meditation trainings since, I have experienced first hand the peace and freedom that is available when we build a self-care toolkit.

I have worked with 300+ clients, spoken on stages and hosted retreats, all with the goal of fostering a deeper connection with self and to inspire both health and vitality on the mental, physical and emotional planes.

I believe to my core that happiness is a skill that you practice and when you develop it within yourself, you will be truly free.

This is what I teach in the membership.


But it wasn't always this way...

I spent 7 years as a full time travel blogger, ticking all the boxes that society deemed successful.

My bank account and bucket list may have been full - but I was continually in loops of burn out and overwhelm. The momentum I'd built online had me scared to ever slow down.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, life as I knew it came to a sudden and complete halt. I lost my income, life on the road, hobbies and friendships across the world... almost overnight. Months later I experienced heartbreak and the loss of my 17 year old dog, Bubbles.

I had no tools and no distraction from the pain and loneliness that I felt. I sat in the depths of darkness and isolation and made a promise to myself that i'd find a way out.

Fast forward 4 years and I have befriended my breath, my mind and my body in such a way that I was able to bring chronic inflammation back into balance and navigate a complete career transition and identity shift so that I could live a peaceful life, aligned with my core values.

The Anchored membership was born as THE place to pour everything I have learnt along the way.


Get Unlimited Access To The Ultimate Self Care Library

Shift your emotional state on demand with access to 350+  practices that will guide you back to the present moment. Simply press play.



Todays marketing leads you to believe that happiness exists outside of you and it is something you must buy...


However the highs you receive from coffee, shopping sprees, nights out, adrenalin-fuelled activites, holidays and new relationships are fleeting and leave you low and empty time and time again, until eventually you realise... 


The long-lasting freedom and happiness that you truly desire can only be sourced from within you.


Now you just need to know how to access it...

Picture this...

  • You feel in control of your moods instead of your moods controlling you
  • You feel calm and connected to yourself, even through periods of stress
  • You know how to use your breath to boost your health, energy and sleep
  • You attract nourishing relationships because you have set new standards of love within yourself
  • You feel so content you don't worry about what others are doing
  • Instead of surviving, you're thriving!
  • You've developed a deep sense of self-love and self-acceptance
  • You're shifting limiting patterns & habits

‘The best thing I ever did was sign up to this membership.’


In this membership, I have poured years of life-changing wisdom from my own adventure within and simplified it into bite-size videos and immersions so that you have a roadmap to access the same peace and joy in your life too. 🥳 😌


From energising breathwork to brain rewiring, sleep meditations to manifestation, future self visualisations & yoga flows to wind you down from work - this membership is ready to support your healthiest and happiest life yet.

Get instant access to...

Weekly Live Practices

Every week you have the opportunity to join me LIVE and to practice together with your Anchored family.

These classes are an invaluable dose of connection, energy and accountability.

Self Care Video Library

On demand access to 300+ practices, including: breathwork, journalling, meditation, visualisation, movement + yoga.

The classes vary between 5 and 90 minutes long. There is something for every moment.

Private WhatsApp Community

We're all in this together! Get answers to the questions you always wanted to ask, meet others on the same journey and get your daily dose of inspiration.

Monthly Practice Calendar

If you're someone that likes structure, each month you'll get a themed calendar to follow along with.


'I can honestly say, hand on heart, this membership has saved me. On the days I couldn't even get up, the tools were there to help me see the positives and feel better.'

– Sophie S.

Oh and i've added some bonuses I know you'll love 🤯


28-day Self Love Experiment

If you have a busy schedule, this is for you. No excuses. 5 minutes a day, 28 days. Sample an array of mind body practices, to enhance your energy, boost your mood and keep you connected to your centre.


Learn To Meditate In 7 Days

No experience needed. A 7 day course, exploring a variety of techniques, to simplify meditation and get you out of your own head.


Waking Up To Your Self

A 9-part video series where you will dive deep into the mechanics of the Ego and why this universal consciousness is the source of all suffering.


Unlock all Masterclasses

Dive deeper into your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing with guest experts in our recorded masterclasses.

Learn from our hand selected experts within the membership

Char Holmes

Char teaches in the weekly lives and combines her 600+ hours of Yoga TT and Mindful Movement wisdom with infectious levels of joy.

Bishop Reid

Bishops shares her comprehensive knowledge of the breath and body through a variety of practices that will bring an instant sigh of relief to your nervous system .

Tarra Lee

Tarra oozes deep, ancient wisdom and inside she gives exclusive wisdom on Vedic Astrology and how to use the stars to guide your past, present, and future.


Inside, Violetta shares an in-depth workshop around the healing properties of water + how to build vitality, energy & strength back into your life.

So when you join the Anchored membership you're getting...

VALUE £100
Weekly Live Calls
VALUE £1000+
Self Care Video Library
Private Community
Monthly Practice Calendar
VALUE £500+
Unlock Masterclasses Vault
VALUE £189
28 Day Self Love Experiment
Learn How To Meditate In 7 Days
Waking Up To Yourself Course
That's value of over £3k+  


 And you can access everything for just £11 a month.

Forget buying separate yoga memberships, breathwork memberships, therapy sessions, personal development courses and meditation programmes.

In this membership you have everything...

in one place. 




I've tried all the memberships and this is the only one i feel a real connection to.

"I can see this becoming a staple in my everyday life for years to come and am so grateful to have found it when I did. I love being able to talk to Mollie and the rest of the community through whatsapp, it makes it super easy and just feels like a warm hug.

I can’t fault anything about this membership and am so excited to see what else is in store!."


Choose Your Anchored Pass

+ get instant access to everything today!



Pay monthly. Cancel any time.

  • Weekly Live Practice Calls
  • Self Care Video Library
  • Private Community
  • Monthly Practice Calendar
  • 28-Day Self Love Experiment
  • BONUS: Meditation course
  • BONUS: Wake up from your Ego course 
  • BONUS: Masterclass Vault
  • BONUS: Skin Journey PDF
VALUE £3k+



Pay annually. Save 42%.

  • Everything in the monthly membership for just £11 per month.
VALUE £3k+

Hear from our members...

"Ever since I joined, the membership has been my constant reminder that I truly hold everything I need within myself.

Whenever I feel myself pulled off centre, logging into the membership feels like the warmest 'welcome home.' There’s a practice that tends to every single thing I’m experiencing, and it always feels like the biggest sigh of relief knowing I am supported in whatever life throws at me."

EMMA O | Anchored member since 2022

"The Anchored membership has become a part of my non-negotiable daily routine. 

The ease of use of the membership and platform allows me to ground myself before my day begins. I’m currently on the 5 minutes a day 28 Days of self love challenge and building this small daily habit so that I can continue to connect with myself, rather than letting my to-do list rule my life. I’ve really enjoyed exploring breathwork, journaling and reflection in this way and find Mollies soothing voice a real comfort as part of my morning routine."

STEPH ELSWOOD | Anchored member since 2023


Frequently Asked Questions


We are committed to your growth.

We are so committed to your growth and to handing you the tools and practices it takes to live an empowered life, we are willing to give you a full refund of your membership purchase if you exprience no growth or change in your self after 60 days.

We will honour this without exception if you email us at [email protected] and show us which practices you have completed and how you felt after (min. 15). We know the value of this content and we are confident that when you do the practices, your awareness will shift forever.